Affirmations by Marcia Mills

My subconscious mind is a twenty-four hour photographer, recording every item I see. It is important to my mental, emotional and spiritual health that the things I see create images in my mind of who I am or what I want to be. My environment should reconfirm my identify and the things I want. Is my home peaceful? Orderly? Safe? Are there pictures and artifacts that reflect the images I aspire to live up to? Does my work environment promote my creativity? Does it foster healthy communication? Does it look like a place I want to be? Is my social environment relaxing? Am I with the type of people I want around me? Do my family and friends support me and make me feel welcomed? Important? Free? Or am I restricted? Oppressed? Unproductive? I can only live up to the images in my mind. Make sure that what I see does not keep me in a place I do not want to be.

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